Welcome to the Northrepps Parish website
Hello and welcome to the Northrepps Parish website. Here you can find all sorts of information for both residents and visitors.
Welcome to the Northrepps Parish website
Hello and welcome to the Northrepps Parish website. Here you can find all sorts of information for both residents and visitors.
Welcome to the Northrepps Parish website
Hello and welcome to the Northrepps Parish website. Here you can find all sorts of information for both residents and visitors.
Welcome to the Northrepps Parish website
Hello and welcome to the Northrepps Parish website. Here you can find all sorts of information for both residents and visitors.
Northrepps Village Trust (NVT)
NVT is a charitable trust whose purpose is to raise funds for supporting groups, events and (in some cases) individuals within the parish of Northrepps. It has been set up to comply with the Small Charity Constitution as issued by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. A copy of the ‘Constitution’ and names and offices of Trustees, and other legal documents can be downloaded from here.
Getting involved
Anyone who takes part in fund raising or support work for the charity can apply to the Trustees to become a member. A member may stand for election as a Trustee. Membership is open to all full time residents of Northrepps. For details please see the constitution.
Applying for Funds
If you are arranging or organising a charitable service or event or run a group that benefits the village and it's residents then you can apply for a grant from NVT. NVT welcome suggestions and nominations for issuing grants and fundraising, and what schemes may be arranged and funded to benefit residents of Northrepps.
You can contact the Trustees or apply for support or grant by using the contact form.